Welcome back the NSTI! You can begin with a NSTI Curriculum below, or click the Latest Content tab above to see our community’s latest Catholic theology video lessons, OxTalk podcasts, and discussions. Every Tuesday is “Thomas Tuesday” at NSTI so check back for new posts every Tuesday.
Level 1: Catholic Philosophy & Thomistic Studies
We recommend this Curriculum for new Members of NSTI. We made it super fun. You will discover the glory of Saint Thomas Aquinas and become conversant in the basic principles of Catholic philosophy. This curriculum culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies. Click on the image or here to begin.
Level 2: Catholic Theology
We recommend our Theology Curriculum to Members of NSTI who have already completed the curriculum in “Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies.” Our Theology Curriculum culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Theology. Click on the image or here to begin.
Level 3: Catholic Apologetics
We recommend our Catholic Apologetics Curriculum to Members of NSTI who have already completed the curricula in “Catholic Philosophy and Thomistic Studies” and in Catholic Theology.” Catholic Apologetics Curriculum culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Apologetics. Click here or on the image to get started!
Catholic Church History: Church Fathers
We recommend our Catholic Church History Curriculum to Members of NSTI who have already completed the curricula in “Catholic Apologetics” or to anyone who wants to understand the relationship between Catholic Hisgtory and Catholic Theology. This curriculum also culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Church History (Patristics: New Testament-AD 600). Our Catholic History Curriculum is being built out over 2016. Look for new installments on Thomas Tuesdays. Click here or on the image to get started!
Catholic Church History: Medieval Theology
We recommend our Catholic Church History Curriculum to Members of NSTI who have already completed the curricula in “Catholic Apologetics” or to anyone who wants to understand the relationship between Catholic Hisgtory and Catholic Theology. This curriculum also culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Church History (Medieval Theology-600-1500). Click here or on the image to get started!
Catholic Church History: Reformation and Modern
We recommend our Catholic Church History Curriculum to Members of NSTI who have already completed the curricula in “Catholic Apologetics” or to anyone who wants to understand the relationship between Catholic History and Catholic Theology. This curriculum also culminates in a Final Exam so that Member can earn their Certificate in Catholic Church History (Reformation and Modern, 1500-current). Click here or on the image to get started!