Getting Started

2 Units
Catholic Intro to the New Testament

8 Units
- Worksheet: Read New Testament in 1 Year
- NSTI Lifetime Reading List: Catholic Books
- How to Memorize the Books of New Testament
- The New Testament Canon: History of the Formation
- Rules of Interpreting the NT: Scripture and Tradition
- Which Bible Translations Should Catholics Use?
- What Happened to the 12 Apostles?
- Quiz for Intro to the New Testament
Four Gospels and Acts

8 Units
- Origin of the Gospels: Did Q Exist?
- Gospel of Matthew: Jewish Gospel for the Hebrews
- Mark’s Gospel: What is the Messianic Secret?
- Identity of Luke in the New Testament
- Gospel of Luke: Jesus and Redemptive History
- Gospel of Saint John: Jesus is Divine
- Acts of the Apostles: Jerusalem to Rome
- Quiz for Four Gospels and Acts
Paul's Major Epistles

10 Units
- Did Paul Write the Pauline Epistles? The Traditional Catholic Defense
- Romans: Outline of Paul’s Summa
- Romans 3-8: the “Roman Road” to Salvation
- 1 Corinthians: Sexual Ethics & The Eucharist
- 1 Corinthians 15: The Resurrection of the Body
- 2 Corinthians: False Apostles and Thorn in the Flesh
- Galatians: Why don’t Catholics Obey Jewish Law?
- 1 Thessalonians: The Second Coming of Christ
- 2 Thessalonians: The Delay Of The Second Coming
- Quiz for Paul's Major Epistles
Paul's Prison Epistles

5 Units
Paul's Pastoral Epistles & Hebrews

6 Units
Seven Catholic Epistles

6 Units
Book of Revelation

5 Units
Review and Final Exam

2 Units