
8 Units
- Genesis: Adam and Eve Prefigure Jesus and Mary
- Genesis Part 2: The Flood of Noah and Baptism in Christ
- Genesis Part 3: Abraham and Joseph as a Prefigurements of Christ
- Exodus: Was Jesus Christ the God of Moses?
- Leviticus: No Forgiveness without Blood
- Numbers: Christ as Manna and Water from the Rock
- Deuteronomy: Christ as Successor to Moses
- Pentateuch Quiz
Pre-Exile Historical Books

9 Units
- Joshua: the Jesus of Old
- Judges: The Warlords of Israel
- Ruth: Christ Is Our Kinsman-Redeemer
- 1 Samuel: The Messianic King Typology
- 2 Samuel: The Ark of the Covenant and Mary as New Ark
- 1 Kings: Queen Mother and Bad Kings Pointing to Mary and Jesus
- 2 Kings: Transferring to the Ministry of Elisha
- 1 and 2 Chronicals: A Retelling of Samuel and Kings
- Pre Exile History Quiz
Post-Exile Historical Books

7 Units
Wisdom Books

8 Units
- Job: Story of God's Faithful Servant
- Psalms: The Liturgical Prayerbook of Israel
- Proverbs: The Catechism of Ancient Israel
- Ecclesiastes: The Penance of Solomon
- Canticle of Canticles: Allegory of Christ and the Church
- Wisdom of Solomon: The Son of God Murdered
- Sirach (Ecclesiasticus): Mary in Prophecy
- Quiz for Wisdom Books
Major Prophets

9 Units
- Isaiah: The Fifth Gospel
- Isaiah 53: Suffering Servant as Christ and Church
- Jeremiah: The Aaronite Priest Prophet
- Lamentations: Christ as Temple Destroyed
- Baruch: The Prophet of Holy Saturday
- Ezekiel: The Chariot of God and the Gate of Christ
- Daniel: The Son of Man vs. The Beasts
- The Daniel 70 Weeks Argument for Jewish Friends
- Quiz for Major Prophets
Minor Prophets

13 Units
- Hosea: Christ the Faithful Husband
- Joel: The End Times and Locusts
- Amos: The Day of the Lord
- Obadiah: Doom and the Day of the Lord
- Jonah: Christ and the Fish
- Micah: A Messiah from Bethlehem
- Nahum: God of Mercy or Wrath?
- Habakkuk: Messiah will be named Jesus
- Zephaniah: Joy of the Future Kingdom
- Haggai: God's Signet Ring
- Zechariah: Priest and King
- Malachi: Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist
- Quiz for Minor Prophets
Final Review and Exam

2 Units