OxTalk 11: When do we receive the Holy Spirit (+ Question on Christ’s Temptation)
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This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Taylor Marshall contributed a whooping 39 entries.
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Are you read to commemorate the death of Our Lord and celebrate His resurrection.
This week Taylor explains the traditional names for the days in Holy Week and opens up Saint Thomas Aquinas' reasons for why Christ rode a donkey into Jerusalem.
I once heard a Protestant minister say that when Christ died on the cross, there was a rupture in the Trinity and God the Son was no longer "part of God." This is a grave error.
Nonetheless, Christians are often confused by Christ's words "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" NSTI Member Rob B asks "How did God the Father 'forsake' Christ on the cross?"
So in this session, we get deep and look at how Thomas Aquinas answers this apparent problem. Plus we also look at the modern error of claiming that Christ "despaired" on the cross and how this is impossible since "despair" is a sin against the theological virtue of hope. Read More
In Sacred Scripture, the number forty is a sign of repentance:
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Dear Members of the New Saint Thomas Institute. On behalf of the Team at NSTI and my family, we hope that you feel the special presence of Jesus Christ in your life this Christmas. We put together a video card for you again this year: Read More
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This week we talk about Preambles of Faith and Aeviternity
Please join Dr. Marshall as he answers questions about the Presuppositions of Faith (another term for the preambles) and Aeviternity:
Our question this week comes from Premium Member Carl W:
This week we talk about questions related to the Four Heresies of Christ.
Please join Dr. Marshall as he answers questions about the Heresies of Christ:
Our question this week comes from Premium Member Rich V: